Prep, Chop, Repeat

I've been behind with my blog posts after starting work last week. Eat to Live was a cakewalk during the summer when I didn't have work every day. Now I have to get used to preparing wholesome nutritious food on a tight schedule. Not as easy!

I have been maintaining a great diet and have been hovering between 117-119 for the last two weeks. I have had a couple splurges on the weekends. I always maintain a vegan diet, but I sneak in a few treats or a restaurant meal or two that are not strictly nutritarian. After a long week of work, those splurges are incredibly comforting but I have to be extremely careful to not let one meal spiral out of control. I still love food and have a tendency to overindulge.

Now that I can't devote nearly as much time Barry and I have been working hard to plan our weekly menus, grocery shop and cook as a team. We still have some kinks to work out so we can improve efficiency. We shopped and cooked on Sunday for the whole week. We got all our lunches and a big dinner soup prepped. It was a big task but quite a load off knowing that all I have to do is grab two containers out of the fridge each morning before heading to work. Do you guys have any prep tips or tricks up your sleeves?

This week we are enjoying strawberries, oranges and plums for breakfast; cream of broccoli soup with a side salad for lunch and black bean soup with a huge southwest salad complete with Mike's Creamy Chipotle Dressing for dinner. 
10 side salads ready to go for lunches.

Full Fridge! Broccoli Soup & Salad for the week.


  1. That's one good looking fridge! My husband and I have been following the Eat to Live plan for about two years now and we also do the majority of our prep on Sunday mornings. We make smoothies for breakfasts, pressure cook beans for lunch salads and try to make at least one dinner for the week, generally soups since they are easy to make a large batch of. Cheesy kale is one of my favorites.

    1. Thanks, NutriWife! Congrats on the 2 and your husband must feel awesome! I've been intimidated by pressure cookers but I think it may be time to face my fears!

  2. Those salads look delish! They look so perfectly you cheat and buy bagged, or do you cut it like that? :-)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I buy whole heads of romaine and chop them into thin strips. I'm definitely a cheater when it comes to kale, arugula and spinach though! I just cannot pass up a bag of triple-washed greens.


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