Mike & Kate Commit to Six Weeks

Hi, everyone! Thanks for stopping by blueberry arugula.  We are Mike and Kate, two besties who met in college 10 years ago.  We've been neighbors in Ohio, flat mates in New York and now long distance friends from Cleveland, OH to Chicago, IL.  

For the past 10 years our weight has fluctuated more times than we've scheduled moving trucks (a lot!).  10 years is long enough to be yo-yo dieters, emotional eaters, and occasional gym slaves (with minimal results).  Thanks to Mike's discovery of Dr. Joel Furhman's
Eat to Live lifestyle, we are beginning the journey to permanent weight loss and most importantly, optimal health!  

Join us as we complete Dr. Furhman's 6-week challenge and continue on to become eat for lifers.

For an in-depth look at what we're going through, head to your local library, bookstore, or Amazon to get your very own copy of Eat to Live by Joel Furhman, MD!

here to purchase Eat to Live from amazon.com.
While you're at it, check out Dr. Fuhrman's website and blog for even more information on the Eat to Live lifestyle.

-Mike & Kate


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