Mike: Week 7 & 8 Update

Good News
Bad News
& more Good News

Good News: Eat to Live has eliminated occurrences of belly button lint
Bad News: still have post nasal drip
Good News: Week 8 weight - 157, looking more slender, have lost 2 belt notches, and my BMI is now in what is considered normal range - 24.  I have been doing some research on BMI and to have the long term health benefits, I should be around 22.  I have come a long way from a BMI of 29.

I think I have reached that point where the fat is no longer going to fall off - still got a handful or two around my waist.  Everything really slowed the past two weeks.  Changes have been much more subtle.  But with a persistent healthy diet and the addition of some exercise, I will definitely achieve a healthy target weight and be in great shape.

I am starting a spin class TODAY.  I am going to look ridiculous doing squats and stuff on a stationary bike.  I'm definitely going to wear my spandex biker shorts.  If I have time I might sign up for a yoga class, but I'm not as pumped about that.  I have a great low budget yoga zone dvd with two lesbian instructors that crack me up.  One of them mis-speaks and calls one of the poses Warrior Poo instead of Warrior 2.  To her credit, she does correct herself on the DVD.  They didn't have the money to edit that one out I guess.

I splurged last friday.  I had 2 Oktober Fest beers, a pepperoni pizza with green peppers and onions, and a basket of breadsticks (with the bright yellow cheapo nacho cheese dip).  It was amazing.  I loved every moment of it.  I don't think I will ever lose my taste for that shit.  Don't judge, you'd do it to.  It was really easy to get back on the wagon the next day cause I was craving some really healthy stuff (first time for everything).

There have been a few people that have recently started their Eat to Live 6 Weeks.  First I want to wish them luck.  Secondly, I'm really excited to have some friends looking to eat this way.  I want my friends to be alive, disease free, and well when we are all in our 80s and 90s.  Also, it will be great to host some EAT TO LIVE POTLUCK DINNERS!


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