I started at 191lbs, 29 BMI, 34++ waist, sweaty, hangry, sick, tired, and fat. I knew there was a problem when I was shopping for dress pants and I slipped into a pair with elastic in the waist band and felt at home. I started having all sorts of health problems too.

Now I'm 153lbs, 23 BMI, 29-30 waist, healthy and feel great. Doctor gave me a clean bill of health.

I NEVER thought that I would be that guy - the vegan that doesn't eat sugar, flour, or oil, the obnoxious one that makes it difficult for people to have me over for dinner. I grew up on beef and cheese people. Thankfully people don't really see me as that guy because I am realistic about it. I have had my fair share of hotdogs over the past few months thanks to this place in Cleveland called HappyDog.  Anyhow, I will never go back to eating the way I used to.

To kick off the start of year 2, Kate and I are doing the 3 week Eat to Live challenge (without the 10% of "fun food"). Kate's sister and husband have also jumped on the wagon. It will be easy with the farm share in Oberlin! I am pumped to eat all these fresh organic vegetables. Thank god for farmers.

What I have learned?

IF YOU ARE HUNGRY, YOU AREN'T EATING ENOUGH OF THE RIGHT FOODS. (I get sick of chewing sometimes...the salads are sooo big. I have to eat 1 full bag of leafy greens per meal.)

What have been the pros/cons of being a Nutritarian?

Rarely get sick
Maintained a healthy body weight effortlessly
Never have headaches
Rarely have sore feet from standing
Never have acid reflux
Have a very predictable digestive pattern
Sleep very well

Have a hard time convincing people that what they eat is killing them
Have a hard time watching people that I care about struggle with things that can be easily fixed with a proper diet

The Truth (and maybe too much of it)
After doing the 6 week challenge for several months until I got to my ideal body weight, I shifted to include a little bit (10%) of comfort food into my nutritarian diet.

Because I could and would eat pizza or whatever else suited my fancy periodically, I never felt that it was difficult to eat healthy the next several meals. However, if and when I didn't follow a trashy meal with a great salad I would start to CRAVE fat, flour, and sugar. And when I let loose......

And oh god, when I do eat like crap, I have to block out a large chunk of time in my google calendar to be within sprinting distance from a crapper. It is always a surprise.

What is the plan now?
I am 100% committed to Eating to Live and hope that more people try the 6 week challenge.

It is summer folks! There are amazing vegetables right now. Get the book and read it.  Commit to a simple 6 weeks. Drop the fat, the diabetes, the cancer, the heart disease, the headaches, the acid reflux, the perpetual colds. Get real with your life. Take care of yourself.


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