Mike: Week 2

My Eat to Live week 2 just finished today - the 4th of July and also my birthday - a day when america eats 155 million hotdogs in addition to potato salad, chips, cold brews, and of course my annual birthday cake.

Its a hard thing to resist, but one thing that has been amazing about the Eat to Live lifestyle is that I am not finding my self nearly as hungry as I used to get.  It definitely took the first week or so to get there.

So the results are in!

Current weight: 175 lbs
Initial weight: 191
Week 2 weight loss: 8 lbs
Total weight loss: 16 lbs

Better -
-Great amounts of energy, lasting and unwavering.  I don't need coffee anymore and have been very upbeat
-I have been hungry less often and it is not as intense as it would get during the first week - a sign that my dependance on sugars and fats to sustain my energy levels had dwindled.
-Cooking has become easier, but only with some meal planning
-I have a growing interest in trying new vegetables
-Tofu and eggplant is not as bad as I thought it was
-I have lost 2 belt notches since I started
-My clothes are starting to fit again
-I sleep like a rock and I am typically a very light sleeper
-I've cooked some for other people not on the diet and they love the fresh taste of what I make
-I get compliments from the cashiers at Trader Joes on how healthy my cart of groceries is

Harder - 
-Cooking is a little more time consuming right now because I am still learning how to cook/eat differently (it is getting MUCH faster and easier)
-I miss some of the salty savory flavors I used to eat, but I don't miss the feeling afterward

I am pumped to start my Eat to Live week three.  I have a few new recipes to make this week and will post some recipes that I find particularly delicious.  

I still have a ways to go before I reach my ideal weight for my body type.  I anticipate things slowing down a bit in regard to weight lost because I have lost so much the first two weeks.  

Stay tuned for an American Apple Pie Salad recipe!


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