Starting Stats

We have been busy bookworms these last few days, devouring Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live.  We are armed with knowledge and excitement for the changes to come. The most aggressive form of the 6-week challenge includes eating greens/vegetables (and lots of 'em!), whole fruits, beans/legumes and minimal seeds/nuts.  Some followers of the plan have lost up to 1lb a day!  Seem crazy/unhealthy/ridiculous/a pipe dream/all of the above?  Read Eat to Live and learn for yourself!  

It wasn't easy but we listed below our starting stats for the world (or just our loving family who actually read our blog) to see.  Check back as we chronicle our journey and watch those numbers drop.


Age: 27
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 191
BMI: 29
Waist: 34+
Healthy body weight: 140-150lbs
Known health issues: acid reflux, chronic sinusitis
Guilty pleasure foods: Pepperoni Pizza, Doritos, Coffee
Least favorite foods: broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, mushrooms


Age: 28
Height: 5' 3/4"
Weight: 144.8
BMI: 28.3
Waist: Size 10
Healthy body weight: I'll let my body be the judge.
Known health issues: Occasional Migraines
Guilty pleasure foods: Diet Dr. Pepper, Chai Tea Lattes, Cheese Pizza
Least favorite foods: Pickled Beets!

The journey begins!  We will each update you weekly on our progress including recipes, achieved goals, and helpful tips that we discover along the way.

Have you read Eat to Live yet?  Let us know in the comments!

-Mike & Kate

P.S. We are not even close to being doctors or nutritionists.  Be sure to read Eat to Live in its entirety and follow the advice on when to see a health professional if you are considering (and we hope you are!) adopting this lifestyle.


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