No time to cook!

I have been absolutely swamped with no time to cook!!!!  And you'd think that because of that I'd be crashing, falling apart, no longer eating to live.  That is actually not the case at all.  ANY OF YOU FOOLS OUT THERE SAY THEY DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CHANGE ARE FULL OF CRAP.  Just sayin.

First, I am lucky to have a restaurant in town that has amazing salads - the Feve.  So find restaurants in your area that have huge salads.  Then eliminate the bad stuff from the salad and see if you can top it with some hummus or balsamic vinegar.  Simple.

Second, I don't have time to go grocery shopping and cook.  Having a properly stocked fridge full of fruits and vegetables is crucial.  If I haven't gone to the Feve for my salad, I at least keep a couple staples at home - greens, fruit, and unsweetened, no salt added, organic soy milk.  Walmart and Trader Joes carries it - Westsoy.  Whenever I am in a bind for time I make a very fast smoothie.  I love the chocolate blueberry smoothie in the EAT TO LIVE book.  Most of the time I just grab whatever I have and blend it.  Sometimes it tastes like shit.  I don't always think the combinations through beforehand.

As long as you have some sort of liquid base - soy milk, water, oranges, etc, some greens, and some fruit - you have breakfast, lunch, or dinner on the go.  It is amazing because you can fit an entire salad's worth of greens into a smoothie and not even taste long as you use spinach.  Kale is more intense and I recommend you pair it with stronger fruits like Kate's pineapple kale smoothie.

So far I have stayed on track with a few lavish unhealthy meals over the past few months, never a full day of meals luckily.  My mind and body always retaliate afters those days.

For anyone that is really wanting to do this Eat to Live thing, not only do I recommend that you do the aggressive weight loss for the 6 weeks, I suggest you do it until you are at your ideal body weight.  A lot of people lose a fair amount during the 6 weeks then add all sorts of crap back into their diet and just end up staying put at the weight they left off on at the end of the 6  weeks.  Pull yourself together and commit to cooking, looking, and feeling great :)

ALSO - I will have been doing Eat to Live for 6 months now come the end of December.  Conveniently it falls right around the New Year.  For my 6 month celebration and new years resolution, I am going to do a re-read of Eat to Live.  I have definitely changed my eating lifestyle, but I'd like to go back and really absorb some of the principals again in addition to some of the horrifying facts of being fat and nutritionally starved.

P.S. It does honestly though take a couple weeks to get used to preparing nutritarian food.  It does take longer to do something when you aren't used to doing it.  Give yourself some time during the first few weeks.  After a week or two, you will be throwing together your meals faster than everyone else.


  1. Great tips, Mike! Barry whipped up a doozy of smoothie a few nights ago for dinner...a broiled grapefruit, shit ton of kale and some carrots. We had to just drink it fast and not think about the taste. Did not go down very smooth but we just kept saying to ourselves, "just think of all the nutrients we're getting right now."

  2. This is a great blog and congratulations to both of you on your success in following Dr. Fuhrman's program - it's very inspiring. I would like to make a suggestion on the smoothies which has helped me over the years.
    Victoria Boutenko wrote a book called "Green for Life" which has a lot of great information about making green smoothies. The basic idea is to start with some greens and then add sufficient fruit to make it palatable. If you have a high-powered blender like Vitamix or BlendTec, then you can blend any kind of greens. On the other hand, if you have an ordinary blender, then it's best to stay with tender greens like baby spinach and lettuce.
    There is no need to drink smoothies that don't taste good. I like to add several bananas, dates, and some other fruit to sweeten up my green smoothies. Here's a video of Victoria making a green smoothie:
    Victoria also wrote a book called Green Smoothie Revolution:


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